NAR Invasion Into Christian Ministries, Part 5

Over the last five decades there has been an enormous assault on Bible-believing Christianity by Counter Reformational organizations that intend on undoing the effects and influence of the Protestant Reformation as they lure an unsuspecting generation of seekers into the grasp of apostasy, delusion, and potential reprobation under the ruse of the promises and agenda of the New Apostolic Reformation and subsequent worship and submission to the Anti-Christ (Beast) and establishment of the Harlot Church!

One of the ways that the Roman Catholic Church (Jesuits) and the Pope have done this is through the common theme of unity at all cost (Ecumenism) and the popularity of Spiritual Formation, otherwise known as Contemplative Prayer, Centering Prayer, etc. One of the main figures that have contributed to this cause, other than the obvious connection with spiritual wickedness, is that of Richard Foster, who was influenced by Thomas Merton, and Eastern  religion (Buddhist & Sufi).

Unfortunately, the NAR has become so popular that even President Trump has many NAR / WoF adherents (e.g. Robert Morris, Kenneth Copeland, Paula White, Ronny Floyd, etc.) on his Evangelical Executive Advisory Board ( The NAR is full of “Christians” who promote an agenda referred to as the “7 Mountains Mandate,” under the category of Dominionism, which is a modern day version of Crusaders (Joel’s Army)!

The only way that they have been able to influence so many “Christians” is that they have a very low view of Scripture, the Word of God, and in that they often replace Scripture with their own apostles and prophets that have perverted the way of truth and are wolves in sheep’s clothing that have destroyed the faith of many children, thereby placing themselves in the way of the millstone. They value relationships over doctrine and “revelation” over Scripture. In that they target those people that are weak in the faith and who do not know the Scripture for themselves.

Unfortunately, Perry Stone, has apparently allowed his ministry (OCI Ministries) to be co-opted and taken over by those that support, promote, and defend the NAR. That influence is very troubling, and often times that influence comes to light through symbolism that is deceptive by nature, yet hidden with a message of alliance to what is believed to be freemasonry! Those in secrecy (Freemasonry) know full well what is being propagated.

Case in point, examine OCI’s symbolism for this year’s International Prophetic Summit that will be held in April! Freemasonry symbolism of the SQUARE and COMPASS is clearly visible, along with an interesting “key” in the letter “O” of “Prophetic.” That missing key that is plugged in is the link to the NAR movement that may very well be the key to the rise of the Beast and the establishment of the Harlot Church. That key is “Enlightenment,” the Divine Spark of Divinity found in Freemasonry and the foundation for Contemplative Spirituality! That is also strikingly similar to Jesus Culture’s symbol that appears to be connected with the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.

OCI Ministries 2017

In addition, in the advertisement for Warrior Fest, there is the symbolism of “666” and the New World Order! Examine the letters “A” and “P.” The NWO connection is found with the number “1” inside the circle. There is even another symbol on OCI’s page that is quite possibly a variation of the “Mobius.”

Now, these opinions are based on years of observation, study, and insight! There is no way to know the thoughts and intentions of one’s heart. That ability only belongs to God! But as Jesus said very clearly, you shall know them by their fruit. The fruit of the NAR, Freemasonry, Roman Catholic Church, Jesuits, Emerging Church,  and other groups given to doctrines of demons clearly show that they are not Bible-believing Christians! The message for  Bible-believing Christians today is Hold On To And Embrace Every Word of God (Matthew 4:4). Walk as Children of Light who are committed to the Word and Will of God, and who are led by the Holy Spirit!

Don’t give up! Don’t look back! The Lord Jesus Christ is coming back!

Please pray for Perry Stone that God would open his eyes and ears to the truth of  His Word, and in that that he would repent for leading a generation into the realm of the NAR! If Perry Stone does repent, it is possible  that he can be very useful in leading the New Breed away from the false doctrines of the NAR and to Bible-based Christianity!

God is light, and in him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5).

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